Social Media Management -- It's Our Business!

The Caroline Doll, CEO of POSH PR®, talks about Social Media Management. Let POSH PR® run your Social Media, so you can run your business!

When I sit down and think about it, POSH PR happened because I went into business for myself. When I was a luxury wedding and event planner, I needed a website to market myself well. Being myself, I didn’t consider the fact that there are people out there who’s job is to make a website for business owners. Oh, no…Since I needed this particular service, clearly the best thing to do was to teach myself and do it myself! But it wasn’t before long that my brides started asking me if I could create a website for their own businesses…

Originally,  I only thought I was good at creating websites and creating curated images for myself. But then, as the demand kept growing, and as our team started to grow, I realized this was a strength of ours! The exact same thing has happened with Social Media Management.

When I started off, I became an expert in running @thecarolinedoll Instagram. My success with that lead me to be able to educate with an Instagram workshop! Teaching others how to best manage their own accounts. Now, however, clients have begun asking us to manage their social media and, happily, we do!

Social Media is an ever-changing platform. Just as you think you have the hang of it, something changes! For business owners, #aintnobodygottimeforthat! You’re kind of busy, well, running your business! So, we’ve made managing your social media our business.

At POSH PR®, we have found a strategy that works for us and we want to do the same for you! We plan out each set of 9 upcoming posts, ensuring their visually complimentary using Planoly. We come up with creative captions to engage your ideal client. We make it our business to learn about all of the new features (totally loving the new highlight reel for Instastories, by the way!). 

The PR behind the pretty isn’t always pretty, dolls. Social Media Management is becoming a business, in and of itself! If you’re running your own business and running your social media, that can totally be an overwhelming experience!

Contact us here! Let’s talk about how you can run your business to the best of your ability and how we can run your social media like it’s our business — because it is!