I Got What I Asked For...

The Caroline Doll, CEO of POSH PR®, on losing Instagram followers...

You get what you ask for. But sometimes what you ask for, isn’t what you need.

On Christmas Day I may or may not have asked God for 14.3k followers. Prior to Christmas, we had been climbing closer and closer to that number, and then we’d drop, and then we’d gain, and then we’d drop. It seemed like I was permanently stuck at 14.2k forever! 

Funnily enough, a few days after Christmas, I woke up to 14.3k. I couldn’t believe it! To me, this was SUCH an accomplishment. Finally, I did it! But you know the saying, “Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it?” I should have been a little more careful.

While the elevation to getting there was gradual and slow, that peak of 14.3k followers only seemed to create a steep, steep slope on the other side of the Instagram mountain. Ever since hitting 14.3k, I’ve seemed to lose followers at a steady pace. 

It’s funny the lessons God teaches us through our own volition. 

Dolls, when I look at that number my heart actually hurts a bit. “What am I doing wrong?” “What can I do better?” “Why did they stop following me?” Never-mind the fact that we have business inquiries pouring in on the daily and are at the point where we need more dolls on #THEPRDOLLS team in order to handle any more business…I’m losing Instagram followers! 

Dolls, it is SO easy to get caught up in the social media game. It has the power to allow a number validate your worth, rather than real-life relationships and accomplishments. Why am I stressing over my Instagram followers instead of celebrating my business supporters?! Because my heart is in the wrong place. I’m looking to the wrong thing to build my identity upon. 

I truly think God allowed me to hit that peak in order for me to re-evaluate where I placed my value. My focus was inward, when we’re called to be outward.

Dolls, we’re created for the here and now. The people sitting in the same room with you, the people you’re working for and with, the people you run into at the store…We’re called to serve those people and share all the love on them that we can.

I’m realizing now that I had to lose in order to gain. POSH PR® has been blessed with SO many new businesses, new clients, new friends since Christmas day. 

My truest desire is to serve all of my clients as fully as I can. When I’m caught up on superficial things like Instagram followers, I’m diminishing the joy in my heart, and depleting the joy I have to share with others. 

At POSH PR®, we’re here for you. Our aim is to provide not only excellent services, but lasting friendships. We’d love to talk with you to discuss ways we can become your Business BFF™ and build your brand together!