Six Motivational Boss Doll Reminders


In honor of Barbie’s birthday week, I wanted to combine Barbie and YOUR brand into one! As you know, Barbie is an empowering figure for any age group. From little girls to young teenagers and adult women, Barbie reminds us to have courage, keep the faith, take risks, and get up on your feet even when you feel like you can’t!

With that being said, I want to share six motivational reminders that you are YOUR own Barbie.

B -- Be you always

Something that I stand by is be you always. At the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, I wanted to wear tutus and sky-high stilettos, but I didn’t because I felt like others would judge me and not take me seriously. Soon after though, I started to realize that it shouldn’t be about what you choose to wear. It’s about staying true to yourself! When you stay true to yourself, you have no competition. You’re your unique self, and you should be proud to show that off and share it with the world!

A - - Accept the challenges 

Ah, yes Doll. Accept those challenges! Some may be harder than others, but they’re all lessons in the long run!! A lot of challenges will come your way, but you’ll always gain something from them. Sometimes we feel “fight or flight” when it comes to a challenge, but I’m here to tell you . . . don’t run away from it! Face any challenge head-on, and if one door closes, there’s always another pretty pink one waiting to open. 

R - - Remember the journey 

When you’re on your way to make Boss Dolls moves, don’t forget your journey and stay humble! When you become your own Boss Doll + CEO, sometimes you get caught up in the moment (and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing!), but always have in the back of your mind the journey it took you to get where you are today. And of course, stay humble. Being humble shows great character as an entrepreneur. Many people will look up to a leader who shows humility, but don't forget to also remain bold and bright! 

B - - Believe you can 

Having faith in yourself will be one of the biggest challenges you face. Many business owners — actually, you don’t even have to be a business owner! People in general go through self-doubt all of the time! They question themselves and wonder, “Can I really do this?” Yes, you can, Dolls! Oh, the many times I doubted myself and didn’t think I couldn’t get through something, but it led me to where I am today. When they say confidence is key, they aren’t kidding! Confidence looks good on you, Dolls! So own it because if you don’t, someone else will!

I - - Inspire your audience 

Like Barbie, inspire us with your grace, beauty, and style! Depending on what your brand showcases, you want to share content that is valuable, educational, and inspiring! People love taking in valuable education for free. I mean, can we blame them?! No! But you can definitely use that to your advantage and promote your services from a lifestyle perspective! You want to lead with inspiration and leave other Boss Dolls wowed and over the moon! But I’m not worried about you, Dolls. I know you can inspire anyone!  

E - - Enjoy little wins 

Last but not least, enjoy the little wins! Every little success is a milestone within your journey. When you land that influencer gig, sell one of your products, or collaborate with a cool brand, enjoy those little wins! It’s probably one of the best feelings, especially when you have worked so hard on something! Take it all in, Dolls. You deserve the little wins, too! 

I hope these six motivational reminders help you have a strong mentality going into your Boss Doll journey. It's not always going to be butterflies and unicorns (even though yes, we wish it could be). You will face challenging times, sad times, and pretty times. But in my opinion, that just makes you the best Boss Doll you can be! Barbie sees you and she supports you every step of the way!

If you're ever struggling to figure out what your brand identity may be, The PR Dolls and I have you covered! Head over to POSH PR® services and we can chat about you and your new brand!

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