How I Beat the January Blues


It’s no secret that January is not exactly the happiest time of year! Taking Christmas decorations down is heartbreaking. Valentine’s Day isn’t for another month. Not to mention, Seasonal Affective Disorder is a very real thing!

Here’s what I do to beat the January blues. Note: I have opera on during all of these activities. It helps!


I know everyone loves “spring cleaning,” but I love throwing things around all year long! I am basically a blonde Marie Kondo when it comes to tidying up. I have so many items that spark joy, but I also LOVE trash day because I have so much to get rid of every single week! This helps me feel fresh and like I am making progress even when the season seems to drag on.


I love yoga because it forces me to take time out of my day to relax my mind and strengthen my body. I especially love hot yoga! Of course, yoga is awesome year-round, but especially in January is it important to get on the mat, wake up your muscles, and reflect on the happy things in your life. Plus, yoga has a low entry level. You can get just as much of a benefit from sitting up straight and breathing deeply as you can from inverted flying poses!


It’s great to be in the moment. But focusing on all of the wonderful things to come can be a great distraction when it feels like there’s nothing happening in the present. Although Galentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and my birthday are right around the corner, I can use the time to get ahead on planning!


When there are no holidays around, you have to make your own fun. Set aside time to go out with the one you love, whether that’s a spouse, your kids, or girlfriends! Try something new in your hometown that you’ve never done. Go out to a favorite restaurant. Raise a glass to making your own happiness!


The very best way to get out of a slump is to CREATE. To do. To produce beauty! I throw myself into building websites for clients and styling beautiful photoshoots. One of my dolls did this by hand-illustrating a custom Sophia Webster calendar, which I am so excited to offer as a free background! You can use it for your phone or desktop, or print it out! Download it here. I hope this little piece of art brings you some joy this month!

