The Breakup | The Caroline Doll Blog | Lifestyle Blogger
Sometimes a breakup can be a good thing…
The time has come for POSH PR® and The Caroline Doll to go their own ways, sweet doll…. Don’t worry, this just means we can serve our PR clients better under @poshpr and we can serve our brand influencing clients better under @thecarolinedoll!
POSH PR® continues to grow in its success as a purely fashion, lifestyle and beauty boutique PR agency. As we grow, it has become more and more clear that it needs to stand alone, solely representing the beautiful brands we work with. As for The Caroline Doll? Of course I am still going to be around! Just expect a little less PR and a whole lot more luxury lifestyle!
You may have already noticed the switch on Facebook. The Caroline Doll has a NEW Facebook business page, where I will continue sharing the day-and-the-life of The Caroline Doll, including my 3x/week blogs and all of my social media (be sure to click here to “like” and follow the new page!) The POSH PR® Facebook will now be your go-to for boss babe inspiration and PR tips, including #THEPRDOLLS Facebook group!
I have mentioned before that being a small business owner is a lot like being in a relationship. You may know that feeling, sweet doll. You loved your time together, and would not trade it for the world. The time you spent together challenged you, shaped you, and made you who you are today! In fact, if it were not for your relationship together, you would not have had the confidence to try the new, scary and exciting things you now call your normal. Suddenly, however, you find yourself being pulled toward another direction. And in fact, it seems the more you stay together, the more you are keeping each other from reaching your fullest potential. That is when you know, doll — it is time for the breakup.
It is scary and exciting, daunting and liberating. It is all those things wrapped into one grand scheme we call life, sweet doll. Sometimes, a breakup is a GOOD thing! (This time? We KNOW it is!)
For all things pretty and pink, click here to like and follow the new Facebook page for The Caroline Doll. For all things branding and PR? Click here to like and follow POSH PR®’s Facebook page and here to request to join #THEPRDOLLS Facebook group!