Dress The Part | Who, What, Wear | POSH PR®

The Caroline Doll talks dressing for success, the who, what, wear of it all!


Who, what, where, the rubric to a successful English paper. Who, what, wear, the rubric to a successful career. Whether you like it or not, dolls, what you wear matters. How you fashion your outfit determines how you fashion your future. Dressing for success is a thing, and science can prove it! Running a boutique PR agency in Richmond, Va., I know that how I dress is one of the first ways I relate to the public!

When it comes to dressing, a chain reaction occurs. How you dress affects how you feel. How you feel affects how you interact with people you encounter. Our fashion impacts how we think about ourselves and how others perceive us! Let’s start with the science of it all.

In a study published in 2012, three experiments were conducted. The question? How what we wear affects how we feel.  They used a doctor’s white lab coat, a symbol of professionalism and know-how. In this New York Times article, it shares that “…students who wore a doctor’s white coat to perform different tasks made half as may errors as students who wore regular clothes.” (A fascinating read, dolls! Click here to learn more!) The results have contributed to the idea of “Enclothed Cognition,” the idea that clothing has power over your brain! 

Dressing is not a monotonous daily task, dolls. It possesses SO much influence! Think about it. What would you think if your doctor walked into the room in his gym clothes? Or what if your accountant still had their pajamas on?! Something tells me you would not be sharing your bank statement with them. You have expectations for these professionals, and make conclusions from their appearance. Your future clients have expectations for you, too! Don’t just meet their expectations, TELL them what to expect! 

Is your brand fun and quirky? Dress like it! Do you want your brand to be perceived as polished and elegant? Then start wearing those business dresses, doll. Pull out those heels! What makes a successful brand successful, is the personal branding of the person behind it. Once your personal branding is strong, it will naturally pour into your business brand. I like to call this a stylishly symbiotic relationship. What you wear tells your future clients who and what you are all about!

Dress the part, doll. Let us help you dress up your brand by clicking here!