Word Of The Year: THRIVE!
Word of the Year: Thrive.
Thrive (verb) to prosper; to flourish.
Happy 2017 Dolls! As a New Year comes shimmering into our lives as quickly as the New Year’s Eve ball dropped in Times Square I am SO excited to share with my fellow dolls The Caroline Doll Word of the Year. Drum roll please…. the word of 2017 is Thrive with my motto being, ‘’Don’t just survive--Thrive!’’ Cue the leftover New Year’s Eve confetti!!
Wrapping up 2016 and reflecting back has made me enthusiastic about my business, the direction it is taking, and the amazing creative business friendships that are blossoming (which is another synonym for thriving!) well into 2017.
True, with POSH PR® and The Caroline Doll brand, I have learned that when you listen to your clients and conform to their needs, they will guide you toward your success. This pink awaking has to lead me to select thrive as my go-to word for 2017. Why thrive again? It is my hopes to blossom within the next 12 beautiful months ahead not only for myself personally but for my brand/business. This year will be a year of change and growth. AKA thriving!
Sure, there will be some sweat and hard work while thriving over the next 12 months, but surely, a bit of sparkle and fun will be sprinkled in too. No one ever said that growing your empire (aka your BRAND) was easy. However, those who thrive in the midst of the elbow grease come out prettier on the other side. So, are you with me? Will you say yes to thriving (and not just surviving) in 2017?
If so, let me know on Instagram @thecarolinedoll!
P.S. if you picked a pretty new word for the New Year do let me know in the comments below! #dollspartypretty