Blonde Ambition...

"Blonde Ambition: The Caroline Doll In Real Life" 

THIS is the title of the editorial feature in the brand new issue of Richmond Weddings Magazine! I was completely blown away by this article and am beyond thankful for the kind hearts behind the magazine.  Be sure to pick up a copy!!!

I am SO excited to finally be able to share some of my favorite photos from the editorial shoot at Quirk Hotel, photographed by Shalese Danielle Kocher!  But first let me share a little secret with you...

Guess who is going to be designing and styling the stage at the Richmond Weddings Expo + commentating DURING the fashion show about all the fabulous Tiffanys Bridal gowns?!  This doll!  I can not wait!  The show is on Sunday, January 31st at Altria Theatre in Richmond, Virginia!  Newly engaged? I can not wait to see you there!

So now let's get back to some girly and glamorous fun.  Thank you Shalese for completely captivating my heart and soul with this shoot!  I hope you all love this as much as I do!



LifestyleCaroline Kalentzos