No one is too old for fairytales...

The Caroline Doll Shop is officially LIVE, sweet friends!

On my absolute favorite holiday, Valentine's Day, we launched something pretty exciting: The Caroline Doll Shop!  I know most of you have followed this launch (and the sneak peeks!) this past week.  Thank you for your kind words, encouragement, love, and support! 

What is The Caroline Doll Shop?  It is an online shop that specializes in fashion infused party goods that are pink & gold and oh so chic!  Our items are designed with love and are centered around our motto and lifestyle: 

POSH PR dolls are girly and glamorous.  They believe in pink and gold, but know that glitter will always be their favorite color.  POSH PR dolls believe in love and all things that sparkle.  They live a fashion infused lifestyle.  They wear tutus on Tuesdays, give candy pink kisses, and know that champagne is always the answer.

Owning a small business that is based on LOVE can inspire you to do things you had no idea you were capable of.  I never thought I would design items and then sell them in an online shop!  It is amazing how a business can change and grow, and so very quickly.  

In order to best serve my brides and make them feel special, I started designing chic party goods for them as a part of their experience at POSH PR.  Every month I send them something fun in the mail to let them know how much they mean to me and that I am here for them no matter what!  My purpose is to encourage and empower them.  My purpose is to show them love.  

What happened next?  Long story short... my brides started posting these items on social media, I received custom order requests and questions about when {and IF} I would be designing new items, and then The Caroline Doll Shop was up and running!

If you want to see our NEW SHOP you can click here!  We are totally throwing confetti!  Hooray!

Moral of the story?  No one is too old for fairytales!



GirlbossCaroline Kalentzos